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Notes to the Group’s Financial Statements

20 Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts
Life insurance
EURm 2014 2013
Financial assets designated at fair value through p/l
Debt securities
Issued by public bodies 64 47
Certificates of deposit issued by banks - 223
Other debt securities 1,171 832
Total 1,234 1,101
Equity securities
Listed 3,768 3,290
Unlisted 121 22
Total 3,890 3,312
Total financial assets designated at fair value through p/l 149 183
Other 9 26
Investment related to unit-linked contracts, total 5,282 4,623
Elimination items between segments -23 -7
Group total 5,259 4,616
The historical cost of the equity securities related to unit-linked contracts was EURm 3,248 (2,646) and that of the debt securities EURm 1,246 (1,089).
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