Glossary off Group CEO’s Review Sampo performed very well in 2014 despite slow economic growth, low interest rates and ever increasing regulation. Group CEO's Review Dividend proposal: EUR 1.95 The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of EUR 1.95 per share, which corresponds to a payout ratio of 71 per cent. Dividend Proposal If and Mandatum Life in 2014 The latest Annual Reports of Sampo’s subsidiaries If P&C and Mandatum Life and If’s Environmental Report. Businesses 2014 – Journey with Sampo Play video Search by entering keywords or browse by topic: Search Key Figures 2014 AGM 2015 Dividend Payment Date Dividend Proposal If P&C Insurance Nordea Mandatum Life Personnel Corporate Responsibility Board of Directors Group Executive Committee Remuneration Share Price Performance Note Save Delete Saving... Deleting... ✕ Make a note