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P&C Insurance Key Figures

Profit before taxes
Formula shown above in connection with the Group key figures.
Return on equity (at fair values), %
Formula shown above in connection with the Group key figures.
Risk ratio, %
+ claims incurred
- claims settlement expenses x 100%
premiums earned
Cost ratio, %
+ operating expenses
+ claims settlement expenses x 100%
premiums earned
Loss ratio, %
claims incurred x 100%
premiums earned
Loss ratio excl. unwinding of discount, %
claims incurred before unwinding of discount x 100%
premiums earned
Expense ratio, %
operating expenses x 100%
premiums earned
Combined ratio, %
Loss ratio + expense ratio
Combined ratio excl. unwinding of discount, %
Loss ratio before unwinding of discount + expense ratio
Solvency capital (IFRS)
+ equity after proposed profit distribution
± valuation differences on investment
- intangible assets
+ subordinated loans
- deferred tax liability probably realised in near future
± other required items (Ministry of Finance decree)
Solvency capital, % of technical provision (IFRS)
+ solvency capital x 100%
+ liabilities for insurance and investment contracts
- reinsurers’ share of insurance liabilities
Solvency ratio (IFRS), %
solvency capital x 100%
premiums earned from 12 months
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