Glossary off Notes to the Group’s Financial Statements Select note 1–41 View all notes on one page 1 Insurance premiums written 2 Net income from investments 3 Claims incurred 4 Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 5 Staff costs 6 Other operating expenses 7 Result analysis of P&C insurance 8 Performance analysis per class of P&C insurance 9 Earnings per share 10 Financial assets and liabilities 11 Property, plant and equipment 12 Investment property 13 Intangible assets 14 Investments in associates 15 Financial assets 16 Fair values 17 Determination and hierarchy of fair values 18 Movements in level 3 financial instruments measured at fair value 19 Sensitivity analysis of level 3 financial instruments measured at fair value 20 Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts 21 Deferred tax assets and liabilities 22 Taxes 23 Components of other comprehensive income 24 Tax effects relating to components of other comprehensive income 25 Other assets 26 Cash and cash equivalents 27 Liabilities from insurance and investment contracts 28 Liabilities from unit-linked insurance and investment contracts 29 Financial liabilities 30 Provisions 31 Employee benefits 32 Other liabilities 33 Contingent liabilities and commitments 34 Equity and reserves 35 Related party disclosures 36 Incentive schemes 37 Auditors' fees 38 Legal proceedings 39 Investments in subsidiaries 40 Investments in shares and participations other than subsidiaries and associates 41 Events after the balance sheet date Download as Excel 37 Auditors' fees EURm 2014 2013 Auditing fees -2 -2 Other fees -0 -0 Total -3 -3 Note Save Delete Saving... Deleting... ✕ Make a note