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Statement of changes in equity, IFRS

Statement of changes in equity, IFRS
EURm Share
Share premium
Invested unrestricted
foreign operations 1)
for sale
assets 2)
hedges 3)
Equity at 1 January 2013 98 0 4 1,527 7,587 167 760 -29 10,113
Change in IAS 19 Pension benefits 4) -91 -2 -93
Restated equity at 1 January 2013 98 0 4 1,527 7,496 165 760 -29 10,020
Changes in equity
Recognition of undrawn dividends 7 7
Dividends -756 -756
Share of associate's other changes in equity -54 -54
Other changes in equity 5) 19 -19 0
Profit for the period 1,452 1,452
Other comprehensive income for the period 10 -253 216 -1 -27
Equity at 31 December 2013 98 0 4 1,527 8,175 -106 976 -30 10,643
Changes in equity
Recognition of undrawn dividends 8 8
Dividends -924 -924
Share of associate's other changes in equity 17 17
Profit for the period 1,540 1,540
Other comprehensive income for the period -160 -264 64 - -361
Equity at 31 December 2014 98 0 4 1,527 8,655 -370 1,039 -30 10,924
1) The total comprehensive income includes also the share of the associate Nordea's other comprehensive income, in accordance with the Group's share holding. The retained earnings thus include EURm -85 (25) of Nordea's actuarial gains/losses The exchange differences include the share of Nordea's exchange differences EURm -90 (-99). Respectively, available-for-sale financial assets include EURm 7 (5) of Nordea's valuation differences.
2) The amount recognised in equity from available-for-sale financial assets for the period totalled EURm 177 (280). The amount transferred to p/l amounted to EURm -120 (-70).
3) The amount recognised in equity from cash flow hedges for the period totalled EURm - (-0) .
4) IAS 19 Pension benefits had a net effect of EURm -160 (-83) on retained earnings.
5) Reclassification of subsidiary exchange differences.
The amount included in the translation, available-for-sale and cash flow hedge reserves represent other comprehensive income for each component, net of tax.
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